The variables to be output to graph windows on the screen and to output files are defined in the instruction file. By default, vegetation NPP, LAI and C biomass, and ecosystem C, N and water fluxes, will be output. To enable additional output variables, specify a file name or path for each variable in the instruction file. For example, the following entry in the instruction file enables output of ecosystem carbon pools to a file called cpool.out:

file_cpool "cpool.out"

To disable output of a particular variable, specify an empty string ("") instead of a file name:

file_runoff ""

Some variables are available for file output only and will not appear in an on-screen plot. The available output variables and their units are:

cmassC biomass × PFTkgC m−2
anppAnnual net primary production (NPP) × PFTkgC m−2 yr−1
LAILeaf area index × PFT(m leaf)2(m ground)−2
cflux1Ecosystem C fluxes (vegetation NPP, soil heterotrophic respiration, wildfire emissions, NEE)kgC m−2 yr−1; negative values represent flux to ecosystem, positive values release to atmosphere
cpoolEcosystem C pools (vegetation, litter, soil organic matter, total ecosystem C)kgC m−2
runoff2Annual runoff (surface, subsurface drainage, baseflow, total)mm yr−1
nfluxEcosystem N fluxes (deposition, fixation, fertilization, soil emission3, leaching, net N flux4)kgN ha−1 yr−1; negative values represent an input to, positive values a loss from ecosystem
npoolEcosystem N pools (vegetation, litter, soil, total ecosystem N)kgN m−2
cton_leafLeaf C:N mass ratio × PFTkgC kgN−1
agppAnnual gross primary production (GPP) × PFTkgC m−2 yr−1
mnppMonthly net primary production (NPP)kgC m−2 month−1
mrhMonthly heterotrophic respirationkgC m−2 month−1
mneeMonthly net ecosystem C exchange (NEE)kgC m−2 month−1
maetMonthly transpirationmm month−1
mintercepMonthly interception evaporationmm month−1
mevapMonthly soil evaporationmm month−1
mrunoffMonthly runoffmm month−1
mwcont_upperMonthly water content in upper soil layer (0-50 cm)fraction of available water-holding capacity
mwcont_lowerMonthly water content in lower soil layer (50-150 cm)fraction of available water-holding capacity
firertMean return time for wildfire disturbanceyears

1Output file for cflux includes separate values for plant biomass increment (Veg), respired litter derived from plant allocation to reproduction (Repr) and biomass of plants establishing in the current year (Est). In on-screen plot, Est is included in series "veg" and Repr is included in series "soil" . Net C flux (on-screen plot) or NEE (output file) is the sum of all component fluxes.

2On-screen plot entitled "H2O flux" shows ecosystem water fluxes transpiration, soil evaporation, evaporation of intercepted rainfall, runoff and the sum (total) of these fluxes.

3Labelled flux in output file.

4Sum of component fluxes, labelled NEE in output file.