Site applications

The following sites representing wide range of climatic and management conditions were selected for detailed application and validation of the models. Actual measurements from the sites were used to both force and validate the models.

Brandbjerg location

Brandbjerg is a manipulations experiment managed by DTU, located in a semi-natural heath in eastern Denmark.

Forcing data for the models:

Rollesbroich location
Rollesbroich — Recently-established highly-instrumented research site in an intensively managed grassland in Eifel mountains, Germany.

Forcing and optional validation data for the models:

Plynlimon location
Plynlimon — long-term paired catchment experiment based in central Wales.

Forcing and optional validation data for the models:

Yatir forest location
Yatir forest is a planted pine forest at the northern edge of Negev desert in Israel.

Forcing and optional validation data for the models:

Lusignan location
Lusignan is an agricultural site in central France.

Forcing and optional validation data for the models: